Sixpence releases first new song in years...

...and the method couldn't be any more weird. Perez Hilton?! Anyway, I am not complaning, it is a great song!


 And if you are wondering, my "letter" to the band now has nearly 1200 views. Still waiting for an official response...


New music from Steve Taylor!? It's about time!

An exerpt from this interview:

I got so frustrated when I felt like Blue Like Jazz was failing, that out of creative frustration I ended up going into the studio with Peter Furler, and then John Painter (of Fleming and John), and then Jimmy Abegg, who’s a longtime friend, guitarist, photographer and visual artist. And we just started recording. Peter had written some music ideas, and I love his melodies. We worked up the songs as a band, then I added lyrics. We were about a month away from having something finished when the Kickstarter campaign started, and it was like, "Oh, man … we’re making a movie." And it’s just been on hold for the last 18 months, because finishing the movie has taken up all my time.
That’s one thing I’ll do once things settle down — get back together with the guys and finish that project up.