
For those that have read my blog over the years, it will not surprise you that I am a "favorites" person. I have a favorite number (17), a favorite color (purple), a favorite cereal (Fruity Pebbles), a favorite baseball team (Baltimore Orioles), and each year of course I share my favorite top-20 or so albums.

With that being said, it has always been extremely difficult for me to list or share my favorite albums and songs of all time. However, recently I was invited to share my top-10 albums ever, and did for the top10albums Instagram account:

While that was the list I shared at that day and time, it of course changes. All 10 of those albums are in my top 30 or 40 albums ever, but outside of #1, which is locked in, the rest rotate.

Additionally, I have recently created two "Alan's top 100 songs" playlists, one on Apple Music and the other on BNDCMPR. My primary rule was only one song per artist, but I did welcome two creative ventures by the same principal songwriter (Mineral and The Gloria Record for example). Both playlists are totally random order, so not ranked. I have absolutely no idea what my favorite song of all time would be.

The biggest challenge in the Apple Music one is that I use iTunes match, which I like as a whole, but it makes it challenging to know what songs in my library are actually available on Apple Music. For example, when I first made the playlist it had 113 songs on it, but I shared it with a friend, and he only saw 87. There is way more 90's music than I realized that is not on Apple Music. I have recently updated it to where hopefully all Apple Music users see 100 songs like me!

On BNDCMPR, the challenge was to find 100 songs by 100 different artists that were worthy of the list. When I began the list, I was trying to copy the Apple Music list, but the Bandcamp library is SO different. Bandcamp doesn't have much major label or older music, so this playlist is dominated by newer songs. So now my plan is to make changes to both lists so it is 200 different songs. But in the meantime, both are up and public:

Finally, there is a new Sunny Day Real Estate song and it's fantastic! First one since 2014's "Lipton Witch".