My blog's all-time page views, and Sixpence

Blogger now provides stats in which one can see which posts have been viewed the most. Here are my top 5:
1. Sixpence None the Richer- Strange Conversation 941 views
2. Best of 2010 512 views
3. Appleseed Cast- Middle States preview 476 views
4. Best of 1997 357 views
5. Chris Simpson interview 357 views

So back to that #1 post. What is interesting is that there is little or no content to it. But people are that desperate for information regarding Sixpence None the Richer's unreleased and delayed album, Strange Conversation. But there is no new information. Original release date was August, 24 2010. Second release date was March 8, 2011. What is the current release date? No idea. It was recorded over one year ago.

Leigh Nash posted this on her Twitter two weeks ago (March 28): Very good news on the Sixpence front today. Should have a release date very soon:). But she has not announced the date. So all that to say, I don't know anything.