Thank You Sixpence

Last April I posted what has become the most popular post in the history of my blog, "An Open Letter to Sixpence None the Richer." I wrote about a lot of things including my dissatisfaction with their setlists. For awhile Sixpence did not play any of the songs from their older, great albums. The only real response I desired from the band was for them to start playing songs from their back catalog.

Well, Sixpence is on tour now, and while I have not been able to see them, I am paying attention. And the setlists have dramatically improved. Check out the one from Milwaukee a couple nights ago:

What I would have given to see those last four songs in a row!

Unfortunately most of the people going to these shows are leaving the video cameras at home, but here is a terrific video of "A Million Parachutes" being performed on January 30. It is over 8 minutes long! Sixpence remembered how to jam, and the world is a better place. Matt's guitar solo is absolutely incredible (thanks Matt!).